Last minute holidays are deals for many tourists and more. This means taking advantage of the attractive offer on very affordable terms. Anyway, thinking that last minute vacation is usually worse, and a tourist using this option is mistreated, has long become a thing of the past.
Real Last Minute deals
There is no such thing as a last minute vacation in July when we visit a travel agency in January. The real last minute is a reduced price of holidays, which appears in a very short time (several days) before departure. This is due to either not buying all the seats for the trip, or if a number of passengers have dropped out of the trip.

And the best time to look for bargains and cheap flights is really all year round. Although there are times when very low prices can be found more often.
This period is mainly May-June. At that time, despite the fact that travel agencies purchased flights, there are not many tourists. In addition, hotels are ready to lower prices to attract travelers.
The second such period is Christmas and New Year’s time. Because it is a typical family time, hardly anyone can go on trips during this period.
Last Minute Holidays – Three Main Myths
Around the last minute holidays, legends were born, which often have nothing to do with reality. It is important to familiarize yourself with the topic, rather than duplicate someone’s opinion, because views may vary significantly, and this will allow us to occasionally catch a “promotion” for a great vacation.
Myth # 1 – only tourists use.
Under the guise of a vacation half the price, the tourist is happy that he played on the nose of travel agency employees. Nothing of that. All places are already paid for by the organizers. If they remain free, they will be a simple loss. But selling them is not only avoiding costs, but also an easy profit.
Myth # 2 – cheap, means bad
If someone thinks that using the last minute opportunity automatically causes such a tourist to be treated worse, he is very mistaken. Among other things, the Act on tourist services says that tourists, regardless of which option they use (be it last minutes or first minutes) must be treated equally. They have the same rights as those of travelers who bought a vacation at the list price. The law also states that a tourist with the last minute option has the same right to stay as others. In addition, travelers have the right to lodge a complaint if the terms of the contract are violated by the organizers.
Myth # 3 – Last minutes = chaos
Although such holidays are purchased at the last minute, they do not necessarily mean feverish preparations or chaotic search for the best offer. As in any industry, some trends and behaviors are also observed in tourism.
Most of these offers appear during the holidays, and the direction of the holidays is usually the most fashionable region in the world. It is worth noting that the prices go down 2-3 weeks before the scheduled departure. The most important thing remains only the selection of the right date. The holiday months are clearly illustrated by the flight radar, which shows how many planes there are above us.

First Minute
Wybór opcji wakacji first minut, nie jest zawsze postrzegany jako poprawny i idealny, choć wcześniejsze rezerwacje są na pewno premiowane przez rynek turystyczny. Ale okazje last minut też mają swoje plusy. Poza tym istnieje spora liczba turystów, którzy uwielbiają łapać takie okazje. Nie zastąpiona będzie tez pomoc agenta turystycznego, który wesprze przy wyborze oraz doradzi najlepsza opcję.
Wakacje mają na celu zapewnienie odpoczynku i relaksu, zatem nie ważne jest z jakiej opcji korzystamy, wszyscy są przecież podróżującymi. Dobre okazje pozostawią nam tylko więcej pieniędzy w kieszeni.